Top Dog Solutions has implemented a version of Net Promoter Score (NPS) for the tire and automotive industry to better manage customer satisfaction, customer retention, and improve business performance.
NPS addresses the recurring challenge of designing, managing, and analyzing consumer surveys by capturing the total customer experience with just one question. When the customer's car is ready, an automated e-mail is sent with a detailed summary of services performed and one simple question, "How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?" A gradient scale from 0 to 10 requires only a single click to respond. Low scoring customers are given the option to provide feedback, tracking complaints and unsatisfactory service. This one-click, no hassle approach increases customer response rates by up to 40%.
Based on the customer's response they are classified into three categories: Detractor, Passive, or Promoter.
Detractors (score 0-6) are unsatisfied customers that are not likely to return and may impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.
Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied customers who are more likely to return to your company, but may be vulnerable to competitive offerings.
Promoters (score 9-10) are extremely satisfied customers and are highly likely to recommend your company, fueling growth.
The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who are Detractors from the percentage of customers who are Promoters. Research has proven that the NPS is a strong indicator of company growth and correlates to an increase in sales and profit.
Net Promoter Score offers an effective, streamlined system to manage customer satisfaction. Top Dog's NPS process instantly captures
Consumer information
Store location
Services provided
Employee information
Customer complaints
and much more
Management is able to use this information to analyze the company's performance and take corrective action to restore the customer's confidence in the company. Promoter scores may be sent to the marketing department to increase the effectiveness of methods already in place while Detractor and Passive scores may be sent to frontline employees to better ineffective systems. Improving the customer experience converts Detractor and Passive customers into loyal Promoter customers, increasing customer retention.
Increase Customer Return Rates
Capture Consumer Complaints
Track Service Provider Performance
Track Store Performance Across Various Location
Measure Store Productivity
Faciliate Customer Feedback
Boost Social Media Reviews
Increase Sales and Profit
Web and Mobile Compatibility
Daily Detailed Reports
Automated E-mail
Service Provider Analysis
Store Location Analysis
Intuitive Interface